28 November 2022

Good Divorce Week 2022 – Ending the Family Court Crisis

Howell Jones: Good Divorce Week 2022

Howell Jones is supporting Resolution’s Good Divorce Week 2022 (28th November – 2nd December), highlighting the crisis in the courts and raising awareness of how families can resolve their disputes away from court.

Whilst we welcomed the recent change in divorce law which made the process more user-friendly and removed any element of blame, it is the resolution of finances that primarily leads to disputes and court cases.

There are significant delays in the court process which is impacting families using the court to resolve disputes, leading to more uncertainty and stress for families.

We are committed to helping our clients find solutions to family issues away from court, which can include, but is not limited to: resolving matters through solicitors, mediation, or arbitration. However you seek to resolve a dispute, we can advise on options and advantages and disadvantages of those options, to help work out which will best help you.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of family law with us, and the different ways we can resolve matters, please get in touch with our experienced family lawyers.

our lawyers deliver an excellent quality service, independently recognised by The Law Society and our many returning clients.

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