Your older years should be a time of enjoyment but often they are affected by physical challenge, financial and legal issues. These can surprise people with their complexity and urgency. By choosing to plan for the future, you take control of what happens to you and your legacy and make life simpler and less upsetting for your close friends and family.

how we can help you
We can handle your affairs on your behalf whether we are acting under a Power of Attorney or otherwise. We can also deal with Local Authorities on your behalf.
Organising a Lasting Power of Attorney is important for all of us but should be a priority for older people. Illness and incapacity can strike suddenly and without warning. Administering your wishes without an LPA in place is stressful for you and your loved ones. Preparing a Power of Attorney gives you more peace of mind that your wishes will be respected and is reassuring for your close friends and family.
The Court of Protection appoints a Deputy to manage your financial affairs and/or health and welfare issues if you do not have an LPA in place yet need one. The process of assigning a Deputy can be complex, difficult and can entail extremely difficult decisions.
Our team can guide you and your Deputy through this challenging process, making it as straightforward and easily comprehensible as possible.
Large inheritance tax payments are not inevitable. We can help you plan your inheritance tax to prevent an unnecessarily large part of your estate being taken from your family once you have passed.
Take control of what happens in the event of your death or incapacity by arranging for professionally arranged wills, trust and probate.
Arranging for a professional drafted will puts you in control of what happens after your death and gives you and your family peace of mind.
Every will we draft is given lifetime storage, completely free of charge. It will also be registered with the Certainty National Will register. This means your will be able to locate your will and ensure your wishes are observed.
There are a variety of trusts, each with their own purpose. We can help you set up trusts that will:
- provide for a child or young adult
- provide for a disabled person or someone who lacks mental capacity
- save tax
- protect your assets and beneficiaries.
We can support you with advice about whether a trust would benefit you and your beneficiaries. We can also help you set up and administer new trusts and help with the administration of existing trusts.
The time following the death of a loved one is a difficult time. We take care of the legal and practical tasks that need attention and can offer as much or as little help as your representatives need. We will ensure your estate is properly administered and will protect your personal representatives as a result.