Life is for living and enjoying. Protecting yourself and your partner through a pre/postnuptial and registration agreement or living together agreement means that should the worst happen, you’ll have a sound and pre-agreed legal agreement that will make any future separation easier and less stressful.
experienced and sensitive family solicitors.
Our team of family lawyers focus on the positives of these agreements and focus on protecting both parties fairly so you can continue your strong and happy relationship.

how we can help you
pre/post-nuptial agreements and pre/post-civil partnership agreements.
Pre/post-nuptial agreements and pre/post-civil partnership agreements are a practical approach towards protecting your assets or agreeing terms in case of a future separation or divorce/dissolution.
Courts can consider these agreements in deciding the division of assets upon divorce/dissolution and separation, but usually only if the agreement has been professionally drawn up and properly entered into.
This is an area that needs sensitivity and tact. It can be a difficult subject to broach when you are entering into what both parties hope will be a lifelong relationship. Our experienced family lawyers can help you explain the advantages of such an agreement and keep the focus on the positives.
The main advantages to such agreements are:
Clarity – you can be clear from the outset which assets will be shared during the marriage/civil partnership and on any subsequent divorce or dissolution which should be “ringfenced”
Transparency – you both know from the outset the approximate value of each others assets
Protection – certain assets may be protected and set out clearly in the agreement to protect a future claim
Family – family members, such as children from a previous relationship can have protection of assets being ringfenced for their benefit
Flexibility – you have the freedom to agree your own terms without a solution being imposed by a court