what is mediation?
Mediation is a way of resolving disputes through communication and negotiation. It is sometimes referred to as dispute resolution. It is typically less costly than a lawsuit and much faster. The stress and cost of court should be a last resort; resolving your case through mediation, conciliation and private meetings between the parties concerned and their lawyers is often a smoother and better route to take. You won’t be rushed to come to an agreement. Your mediator helps you reach an agreement that is acceptable to both of you.
litigation, family law & employment law mediation.
We support our clients with mediation across a number of areas including litigation, family law and employment law. Our litigation lawyers, family and employment solicitors have an experienced and practical approach to mediation. They use their courtroom advocacy skills to represent you in settlement meetings and will apply their in-depth knowledge of the law with the facts of your case and their negotiation skills to achieve the most favourable result for you.
benefits to using a mediation centre
Using a mediator is usually a less divisive process; the mediator helps you and your partner reach a settlement together resulting in an outcome that is generally more acceptable to both parties.
Mediation is not a binding process. This means that if you start the process but decide it is not working for you, you do not need to continue with mediation.
A meditator will not take sides; they are completely impartial. As a result, you must take independent legal advice on the agreement you and your partner reach.